Please email Amy if you are interested in any of the below speakers or have speaker suggestions of your own:
Future HPNA Speaker Possibilities
(City of St. Pete.)
*Sanitation: how to recycle correctly
*Transportation (such as updates on Sunrunner Bus)
*Public Works (including roads)
*St. Pete. Paws
*Parks and Rec agencies / organizations
*St. Pete. Police Dept. will provide tours of the new police station to interested neighborhood associations
*Council of Neighborhood Associations (CONA) / CONA Leadership Program
*Preserve the ‘Burg and their efforts to bring awareness to St. Pete. historic building preservation efforts
*Friends of Strays
*Fire Department
*Hurricane Preparedness Session
*Community Gardening
*Landscaping, gardening, horticulture issues
*Heath issues / training: CPR training; Traffic safety training (bicycling skills and awareness); nutritional info. or healthy cooking; mental health; financial health; healthcare issues, etc.
*History: Rui Farias (Director, St. Pete. History Museum) has invited HPNA to the museum for a session on local/neighborhood history.
(Recent HPNA Speakers/topics)
*David Anderson (Jungle Prada Site, Anderson / Narvaez Tocobaga Mound)
*Rui Farias (Director, St. Petersburg Museum of History)
*Casey Crane (Cybersecurity expert)
*Christie Bruner (Healthy St. Pete. Wellness Coordinator)
*Derek Kilborn (City’s Urban Planning and Historic Preservation Division) and Liz Abernethy (City’s Director of Planning and Development Services)
*Al Smith (with St. Pete. Water Conservation Dept.)
*Susan Ajoc (City of St. Pete. Community Services Director)
*Neighborhood Team (N-Team)
*District 1 Councilman Copley Gerdes